It’s that time, the time to sporadically work on half-baked projects that will never make it out of your localhost let alone to real users. With your new found motivation, here are 3 react libraries to consider for your projects:
Ant Design has to be one of my favorite component libraries. It's definitely opinionated in terms of both style and functionality but that's exactly what makes it so great to work with, you can bust out web apps at a pretty impressive rate as long as you can make the component's default behavior work well.
Material-UI was created by good ole Google in 2014, based on their signature card/paper style, the entire library has a distinct google-y look and feel. Google emphasized Material Design while creating the library to ensure that all users would have the same experience when using a product built with Material-UI. Material-UI & Material Design are arguably more of a design ecosystem as opposed to a set of guidelines.
Created by Palantir, Blueprint advertises itself as "optimized for building complex, data-dense web interfaces for desktop applications".If you rely heavily on mobile and mobile first interactions, this probably isn’t for you. This library boasts some rich documentation and a clearly opinionated style of dealing with components.